Purple & Gold! Class of 1994 Reunion for Steveston Packers
Lillehammer, Melrose Place, En Vogue, Nelson Mandela’s inauguration, Kurt Cobain, the Chunnel, OJ Simpson, Vancouver Stanley Cup riots (the first time around), high school graduation . . . just a few things that remind us of 1994. Hard to believe that was twenty years ago!
Recently we attended our twenty year reunion appropriately hosted at the ANAF in Steveston. With lots of familiar faces and a couple of door crashers – yes you Moose – it was a great night. The ANAF were gracious hosts and we enjoyed catching up with our former classmates. Lots of laughs, and a few drinks, were had by all. Some of our former teachers even made the trip.
With our video yearbook – a fun piece reminiscent of Saved By the Bell episodes and themes – playing the background, there were plenty of moments to remember together. The early 90’s hair and fashion seemed so much cooler at the time.
Thank you to our classmates Ross Lundie, Nik Nashlund, and Tyson Stewart for organizing the night!
#gopackersgo #stevestonpackers #twentyyears