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Summer Etiquette 101

There are few things quite like the moment someone opens up a gift carefully selected for them with a faltering “oh . . . ” accompanied by obligatory fake smile to crush your excitement.  Recently on the CBC’s North by Northwest, Charles MacPherson, author of The Butler Speaks, shared tips on summer etiquette.  From hostess gifts to how to dress, MacPherson provides tips to reduce your anxiety during the busy summer visit months.

Not sure what to give a host or hostess?  Ask them!  MacPherson notes that if the host or hostess have indicated they have food covered they have food covered.  Therefore a gift to entertain the children or provide music may be more appropriate than a platter of home baked goodies.

He adds simple courtesies like loosely folding blankets after you have used them, dressing up a touch when no dress code is indicated, and letting the host or hostess decide when to open a gift to keep summer visits stress free.  Of all this sound advice, it is his last tip which resonated most.

As a recent gift shunning victim, the reminder that if you’re invited to a wedding, it is because the couple wants you there was much needed.  In a world of gift registries, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  Don’t overdo your gift or try to be lavish, keep it to what you can afford and help the couple enjoy their wedding with you there rather than focus on the gift.

It sounds so lovely, I hope it is indeed true for my couple!

To listen to the entire segment, visit CBC Radio
